In this series of blog posts, we've been tracking the shenanigans of Uno Kempff, the man that Johanna Hellsten's family considers a scoundrel! His criminal record in Sweden sure would raise concerns for a loving family for any daughter, not just one thousands of miles away in America.
He seems to have another woman other than Johanna Carolina Hellsten in his life besides his wife, and a possible child born out of wedlock (either his or possibly legitimized by his marrying her mother after years of living together).
Johanna ran away to NYC from Connecticut in 1871. We found Uno's traveling to New York City in 1874, possibly following his woman friend, Anna Charlotta Carlsson.
I mentioned that Uno Kempff left for New York 17 April 1874. Looking at the passenger list is revealing!
Look closer at who is traveling with Uno Kempff
A woman named Johanna and that is NOT his wife, Johanna, who is Uno's age.
Both Uno and Johanna's ages are a bit off in this record:
Uno, born in 1826, should be 48.
Our Johanna, born in 1851, should be 23.
What's a few years between friends and before the internet to instantly check!
This is traveling TO New York City from Hull, England, 3 years after our Johanna ran away to New York City from Connecticut.
This is the trip where Uno is traveling to New York City to possibly meet up with his friend Anna Charlotta Carlsson.
We have some missing passenger records:
We do not have Uno traveling to NYC when he "escaped from Sweden" about 1870 or 71.
We do not have Uno traveling back to Sweden after that.
We DO have him traveling to NYC in 1874 (above).
We do not have Uno and Anna traveling back to Sweden before the 27 March 1875 Household examination for Uno and Anna Charlotta in Stockholm.
We do not have Johanna traveling back to Sweden after she ran away to New York City, only to return with Uno 3 years later.
We do not have any mention in the family letters about Johanna returning to Sweden.
When searching the records we have looked for Carolina, Caroline, Hannah along with Johanna -- known names that she used. When she originally came in 1868, she traveled under the name of Caroline Hellsten -- Eric had alerted the folks at Castle Garden that his niece Johanna Carolina was coming, so they notified him when she arrived, even though she left off that first name. When home with her family she often just used Hannah.
We do have the mention in the letter from Aunt Lovis that the family has heard that Johanna has married Uno.
Did Johanna Hellsten marry Uno?
She seems to have connected with Uno and traveled with him, but did she marry him?
She wasn't with him back in Sweden when he and Anna Charlotta were living in various places in Stockholm until he died in 1884.
Maybe she pretended to be his wife, for travel purposes!?
What happened to Johanna, if she didn't go back to Sweden with Uno?
All the research for these blog posts was done by Malin Klangeryd in Swedish and by myself in English. I'm authoring the blog posts, but Malin is contributing mightily to the research!
©2015, Erica Dakin Voolich
The link to this post is
For years I've tried to climb numerous "brick walls" as I've worked on my family history -- many of my challenges are my women ancestors. I've met many wonderful, helpful genealogists, town clerks, historians, and societies along the way. Some of the names I'm working on: DAKIN, WORTHINGTON, SEARING, RICHARDSON, DeLOSS/LOSS, COPELAND, HARVEY, WRIGHT, EVANS, HELSTEN, SMITH (Conn.), HEARTY, ROBBERT, BOGART, NYE, BLODGETT & COBB.
Four generations of RICHARDSONs 1917
William Richardson, Alice Josephine Richardson Dakin, Robert Worthington Richardson, Harry Bogart Richardson
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