Four generations of RICHARDSONs 1917

Four generations of RICHARDSONs 1917
William Richardson, Alice Josephine Richardson Dakin, Robert Worthington Richardson, Harry Bogart Richardson
Showing posts with label GIFFORD Lucy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GIFFORD Lucy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Paul Dakin, his Hudson NY years

I've written about my GGG'grandfather, Paul DAKIN who at the age of 19 was disowned by the Religious Society of Friends Meeting at Oblong NY in 1780.  I have not found him again until fourteen years later when he is clearly an established member of the community in Hudson NY.

After many mentions in New York state newspapers (found on the Genealogy Bank website), which I transcribed below, I lose track of Paul's whereabouts in 1820 until he dies and his will is proved in Hudson NY in 1829.  I have a theory (unproved) as to where he was from about 1821 - 1829. I'll write about that  another day after some more investigating.

Part of the irony of all these newspaper articles is how so little is written about the women at that same time.   There is no mention of his wife Lucy Gifford Dakin, not for her death (1821), not even in the articles mentioning the marriage of their daughter Lydia (1810) or in the death of their baby (1805).  Another piece of irony, for a man who held local political office and ran a blacksmith business for years, there is no mention of his death in the newspapers.

Take a look through the following articles and advertisements.  They not only track Paul Dakin but they give a flavor of life in Hudson NY in the early 1800s -- including newspaper reporting on elections that is very partisan and descriptions of 4th of July celebrations and all of the toasts offered.

Albany Gazette (Legislative, no title), page 3, 22 May 1794:
“HUDSON, May 15.
   Monday last, being the day appointed for the 
annual election of city officers, the following
persons were duly elected, viz,
   Aldermen--Samuel Mansfield, Zachariah Sey-
mour, David Smith, Claudius Delamater.
   Assistants--Peter Rand, Samuel Ten Broeck, 
Daniel Clark, Paul Dakin.

Albany Gazette  (news article), page 3, 12 November 1799:
“HUDSON, November 12.
   At a meeting of the Stockholders of the
Turnpike Corporation for improving the road
from the city of Hudson to the line of Massa-
chusetts, held on the 4th instant, the follow-
ing gentlement were chosen Directors for the
ensuing year.
   Elitha Pitkin, President, Thomas Jenkins,
Robert Jenkins, Clerks, Elitha Jenkins, Trea-
surer, Rufus Backus, Samuel Edmonds, Ja-
cob R. Van Rensselaer, Thomas Power, Ste-
phen Miller, John Hageman, Isaac Northrop,
Benjamin Haxstun, Paul Dakin.”

Hudson Gazette (News Article), page 3, 21 April 1801:
  “On motion, resolved unanomously. 
That this meeting ... meritorious faithful ...
will support him as a candidate for Gov-
ernor at the next election...
[goes through other Republican candidates they will support]
   Resolved, That the following persons
be a committee for promoting the elec-
tion of the above Candidates, viz.
  Thomas Jenkins, Alexander Coffin,
Jared Coffin, Paul Dakin, Robert Taylor,
... of the city of Hudson.”

Albany Gazette (News Article), page 3, 3 February 1803:
   On Wednesday the 12th ult. being the
anniversary of the MECHANIC’S SOCIETY
of Hudson, the members of that institution
met at Nichols’s tavern for the choice of 
their officers for the present year, viz.
   Abiel Cheney, President; Paul Dakin
Vice-President; Daniel Clark, Treasurer;
Samuel Wigton, Secretary; Nathan Sears,
Prosper Hosmer, Thomas Manchester, 
Nathaniel Porter, Isaac Hathaway, Over-
   After which the society partook of a
dinner provided for the occasion; drank a
number of appropriate toasts; &c. and re-

12 April 1803, Balance (Election returns), page 119:
 On Tuesday last, resulted more favorably to federalism, than the most sanguine
had expected.  The increase of federal votes, since last year has been considerable.
Mr, GELSTON obtained the supervisorship, last year, by a majority of only 16 votes, if
we mistake ... Considerable exertations were made on both sides, as the democrats had
previously declared in the Bee, that they intended to try their strength at the city
election, preparatory to the county election.  In trying their strength they have ex-
posed their weakness; while the federal citizens have ‘convinced the people of the
neighboring towns, by an encreased adn respectable majority, that Hudson is firm in
federalism, notwithstanding all the .....[?] -partiots and political ...’”
Listed on the Democratic Ticket are 3 men, including Paul Dakin for Alderman, who loses to the Federalist candidates.

Bee (Advertisement), page 4, 31 May 1803:
THE subscriber has removed  to his new shop,
one door west of this former stand, where
he carries on his business as usual.
              He has for sale,
   English blister’d, German, Crawley,
and American Steel; waggon tire and boxes,
sleigh shoes, and common iron.
     A few who were lately his cus-
tomers are requested to call once more and set-
tle their accounts. 
                       Paul Dakin.
Hudson, Nov. 22, 1802.”

Hudson Gazette (Advertisement), page 3, 5 April 1803:
“Corporation of Hudson in Acct. with Robert
     Jenkins, Chamberlain, Dr.
                                                Dolls.   Cts-
To paid...
[detailed list of income and expenses for city of Hudson]
By amount of tax warrant, 1802...
      Chamberlain’s Office, 2d April, 1803.
         Errors and omissions excepted,
            ROBERT JENKINS, Chamberlain.
  WE, the Subscribers, a Committee from the Common Council for settling the
accounts of the Chamberlain, report the above statement to be correct and that we
find a balance in the hands of the Chamberlain of three hundred and sixty-four dol-
lars and ninety-three and a half cents.
                          ROBERT TAYLOR,
                          PAUL DAKIN,
                          JAMES NIXON, Jun.
  Hudson, 2d April, 1803.”

Bee (News articlce), page 3, 3 January 1804:
    “The Hudson Mechanic Society
   Held their anniversary on Wednesday last,
when the following gentlemen were chosen of-
ficers for the ensuing year:
     Paul Dakin, President,
     Nathan Sears, Vice-President,
     Daniel Clark, Treasurer,
     James Nixon, jun. Secretary, and
     Samuel Wigton, Nathaniel Porter, Ni-
cholas Hathaway, Sylvanus Seeley, and John
Keeney, Overseers.
  After dinner the following toasts, interspers
ed with appropriate songs, were drunk by the
1. The DAY.  May its annual return ever
find the Hudson Mechanical Society increasing in
usefulness and prosperity.
2. THE LAND WE LIVE IN  May it ever
furnish ample employment and adequate re-
wards to its industrious mechanics.
3. The BAKERS of our country.   May they 
bake as they brew, and never want an honest
loaf for the mouth of indugence,
4. The BLACKSMITHS.  May they ever be
ready to strike while the iron is  hot, and forge
chains for the enemies of our country.
5. The CARPENTERS.  May their works e-
ver be regulated by the line and rule of integ-
rity and justice.
6. The COOPERS.  May they possess strong
heads and tight sides, well hoop’d, through life.
7. The DISTILLERS.  May they ever enjoy
a flow of high and unadulterated spirits.
8. The HATTERS.  May they never want
for a sound body and good nap.
9. The MASON.  May they build on a sure
foundation, and abide the fiery trial.
10. The MILLERS.  May they ever have
good grists, without grinding the poor with
large tolls.
11. The PAINTERS.  May each one display
to the world the full portrait of a worthy mind,
with a fair pol sh and no false colors.
12.  The PRINTERS.  May every edition give
the public an impression of the beauty of their
13. The ROPEMAKERS.  May all their works
be well laid, and their life-lines never be parted
by hemp.
14. The SHOEMAKERS.  May every craft
find good quarters and sound soles, and wax
strong to  his last end.
15. The TAYLORS.  May they every be able
to feel a prick of conscience for unjust measures
without the help of a bodkin, and never be re-
duced to cabbage for subsistence.
16. The WATCHMAKERS.  May all their 
movements indicate regular hours and good time.
fidelity, promptitude and competency be their
distinguishing characteristics.
18. AMERICAN FAIR.  May they find in eve
ry Mechanic an expert and faithful workman in
the labors of life. -- Success to our infant m-
Bee (Advertisement), page 1, 3 April 1804:
At a large and very respectable meet-
ing of the citizens of Hudson, convened at the
Hudson Coffee-House, on Friday evening,
March 23rd, 1804, (agreeable to public notice
previously given) in order to nominate proper
characters for municipal officers for the year
[following includes a list, which includes PAUL DAKIN for Alderman]
“Resolved, That this meeting unanimously
agree to support the above candidates at the 
ensuing election; that there be a committee
of twelve appointed to carry into effect their
election; and that ...
be the committee; and that the proceedings of
this meeting be published in the Bee.
By order of the meeting:
David Lawrence, Moderator”

Bee (Advertisement), page 4, 17 April 1804:
Small drawn Ruffia Iron, per ton or
kessm saud ti be superior to any other for scylthes,
and will answer well for sleigh shoes.
Waggon-Tire, per ton or less.
Jersey refin’d Iron, flat and square.
Best Ancram do.
German, American, & English Steel.
     For Sale by
        PAUL DAKIN.
Hudson, Dec., 12, 1803.”

Bee (Advertisement), page 3, 12 February 1805:
     THAT convenient and 
     well finished HOUSE, late
     the property of Tho’s Man-
     chester, situated in Prison-
     Alley, between Front and
     Water-streets, about 100 feet
     from the Brick Market, well
accommodated for two families, with five fire-
places, a sistern, and water from the aqueduct,
&c. &c. with the lot on which it stands, forty
feet in front and rear, by sixty five feet deep.
     For terms, and firther particulars, enquire
of PAUL DAKIN, or the subscriber on the 
premises, who will give an indisputable title
              William Van Schayck.
   Hudson, Feb. 11, 1805.   3w”

Bee (Advertisement), page 3, 9 April 1805:
For a term of years, a two story HOUSE
nearly opposite the court-house, Warren-
street, and possession to be given on the fifth of
May; for further particulars apply to
           Paul Dakin,
   Who wants an Apprentice to the
Blacksmith business; one 17 or 18 years of
age, who has served at the trade would be pre-
ferred.  Good encouragement will be given to
one that can come will recommended.
   Hudson, April 8         39 3w”

Bee (Advertisement), page 3, 9 April 1805:
All persons having demands against Tho-
mas Manchester, are requested to leave
their accounts properly liquidated with Paul
Dakin, of the city of Hudson, who is authori-
zed to make arrangements for their settlement.
  April 8, 1805.           39.3w”

Bee (article), page 3, 16 April 1805:
“The Bee.
Hudson: Tuesday, April 16,
   In this city, at the annual town-meeting, holden on
Tuesday the ad instant, the following persons were
chosen to the respective offices affixed to their names,
for the year ensuing.  The ticket having been formed
by a coalition of the two parties, is composed of a pro-
portion of republicans and federalists.
James Hyatt, Supervisor.
Paul Dakin,
John M Mann,     Aldermen
Erastus Pratt,
Cornelius Tobey,

Bee, Hudson NY, page 3, 1 October 1805 (Mortuary Notice):
In this city, an infant of Mr. PAUL DAKIN.
An infant of Mr. TIDDEMAN HULL.
An infant of Mr. GAYER GARDNER.
Mrs. JERUSHA WILLIAMS, relict of col. Ebenezer
Williams, formerly of Pomfret, Conn. aged 75.”


Balance, Hudson NY, page 144, 6 May 1806 (Legislative):
      AN ACT.
To incorporate the Hudson Mechanical society.
    Passed March 21st, 1806.
   Whereas Jonathan Ames, Aaron Char-
lot, Abiel Cheney, Daniel Clark, Jared
Coffin, Paul Dakin, Isaac Hathaway,
Nicholas Hathaway, Charles Holt,
Prosper Hosmer, John Keeny, James
Nixon, junior, Laban Paddock, Na-
thaniel Porter, William Rogers, Nathan
Sears, Sylvanus Seely, Ashbel Stod-
dard, Robert Taylor, John C. Ten Broeck,
Cornelius Tobey, Samuel Wigton and 
Wilham Wigton mechanics of the city of
Hudson in the county of Columbia have 
by their petition to the legislature, rep-
resented, that they are associated into a
body, under the name of the Hudson Me-
chanical Society, for the relief of their un
fortunate and indigent members, their 
widows and children, and other charita-
ble objects, and pray to be incorporated
into a body politic, for the purpose of se-
curing and confiring the funds of said
society to those benevolent uses:  And
whereas the views of the said petitioners
appear to be laudable,and worthy of lt-
gislative patronage and assisstance: There-
  Be it enacted, by the people of teh state
of New York, representd in senate and 
assesmbly.  That all such persons as now
are or hereafter may become members of
the Hudson Mechanical Society, shall be
and hereby are ordained, constituted and 
appointed a body politic and corporate in
fact & in the name, by the name of Hud-
son Mechanical Society: and that by that
name they and their succesors, as a corp-
ration, shall be vested with the same pow-
ers, priviledges and immunities, and made
liable to the same restrictions of the prov-
dent Society of New York, and certain
other Sciety of New York, and certain
other Societies incorporated by an act of
the legislature, entitled “an act to incor-
porated the Providnt Society, the Mutual
Benefit Society, the Benevolent Society, and
the Albion Benefit Society of the city of 
New York, and the Socital society of the
city of Schnectady.”
   And be it further enacted, That the of-
ficers of the Hudson Mechanical Society, 
shall consist of a president, vice-president,
treasurer, secretary and board of five di-
rectors, to be elected agreeably to t eh pre-
visious of the act aforesaid, and that Pros-
per Hosmer, shall be the first president;
Natan Sears, the first vice-president;
Daniel Clark, the first treasurer; C. Holt,
the first secretary; and Samuel Wigton, 
Paul Dakin, Cornelius Tobey, Jonathan
Ames and Aaron Charlot the first board
of directors  of the said corporation to hold
their officers of respectively, until the third 
Wednesday in January next after the pas-
sing of this act, or until others shall in
duty elected in their room.”

Bee, Hudson NY, page 144, 13 May 1806 (Legislative):
  “Hudson Mechanical Society.
          AN ACT,
To incorporate the Hudson Mechanical Sosiety.
     Passed March 21st, 1806.
   Whereas Jonathan Ames, Aaron Charlot, ....”
The rest of the text of the article is the same as the one above.

Bee, Hudson NY, page 3, 14 April 1807 (Election returns):
SON, APRIL 7, 1807.
[Republican ticket, Paul Dakin is top vote-getter for Alderman at 330 votes]
THE election for charter-officers in this ci-
ty for the year ensuing was held yester-
day.  This election for two years past  had
just bee contested, the officers having been
named by mutural agreement from both par-
ies.   But the federalist s inflated with their
imaginary strength and importance, this  year
determinded to admit an union ticket no long-
er, to refuse the republicans the choice of 
a single officer, and to every ...”
The republicans won more offices than the federalists-- whereas in 1803, Paul Dakin was listed as  a democrat and was on the losing ticket against the federalists after they were bragging how they would win.

Bee, Hudson NY, page 3, 18 August 1807(Advertisement):
“Virginia Coal.
JUST landed from on board the sloop Nan-
cy, capt. Van Schayck, from Richmond, and
fer sale by the subscriber.
   70 Chaldrope  Virginia Coal.
           PAUL DAKIN.
Hudson, August 12.      62”

Bee, Hudson NY, page 4, 28 April 1807 (Advertisement):
“For Charleston, South-Carolina,
WM. VAN SCHAYCK, master.  Will 
sail by the middle of April.  For freight
(received at S. Edmonds’s store) or pas-
age apply to the master, or  
               PAUL DAKIN
Hudson, March 16, 1807.      40”

Albany Gazette (news article), page 3, 1 February 1808:
“Hudson Mechanical Society.--On Wednesday last
the anniversary and election of this society was held at
Mr. Nichols’s hotel in this city, when the following
officers were respectively elected for the year ensuing,
   Samuel Wigton, President; Paul Daking, Vice-
President; Daniel Clark, Treasurer; Charles Holt,
Secretary --and Abiel Cheney, Nathan Sears, Robert
Taylor, Lavan Paddock, and Gayer Gardner, Direc-
   After the special business of the day was transacted,
the society, with a number of respectable visitors, par-
took of an excellent entertainment provided for the

Columbian (news article), page 3, 29 January 1810:
   “Hudson Mechanical Society.  At the annual meet-
ing of this society in Hudson last week, for the
choice of officers, agreeably to their act of incor-
poration, the following gentlemn were electd,
and the society patook of an entertainment as
usual on the occasion.
     Paul Dakin, President
     Josiah Olcott, Vice-President, 
     Daniel Clark, Treasurer, 
    Gayer Gardner, Secretary, and
   Prosper Hosmer, Abiel Cheney, Robert Taylor,
Nathan Sears, and Silvanus Seeley, Directors.”

Northern Whig  (News Article), page 3, 29 March 1810:
  “Corporation Accounts.
Corporation, and Compact Part of Corpo-
  ration of the City of Hudson, in Account
  Current with the Chamberlain,  Dr.
1809.  TO CASH PAID --                         D.  C.
March 24.  Samuel Edmonds, for leath-
                     er bucket, Compact part,    2
                  Robert Folger, for sundries
                    per bill, compact part,         16  19
                  Paul Dakin, do. corporation,      6  25
April 4.      John Hardick, do. do. dated
                     March 18, 1809, corpora’n    1
                  Wm. R. Macy, superinten-
                        dant of Night Watch,            148  50
                   Paul Dakin, for work done
                       on scrow, bill dated 22d of
                       March 1809, corporation.       18  58
     The foregoing account comprises all the
entries made on Books of Chamberlain with
Corporation and Compact part of Corporation
from the time the accounts were examined and
approved by the Committee appointed by the
council for that purpose, being 21st of March
1809, until 12th of May 1809, when the Books and
effects were received by me from the late Cham-
lain, the amount of Cash in the Treasury at that
time it will be seen by the foregoing statement, 
was Five Hundred Fifty two dollars and Ten
cents.  Dated Chamberlain’s office, City of
Hudson, March 23, 1810.
     ROBERT CENTER, Chamberlain.”

Northern Whig (Advertisement), page 3, 10 August 1810:
For paving the East side of Front-street,
  from Warren-street to State-street ---
    Passed. May 5th, 1810.
     Be it ordained, by the Mayor, Re-
corder, Aldermen and Commonally of
the city of Hudson, in Common Council
convened, That the side Walk, on the
east side of Front-street, From the north
side of Warren-street to the south side
of State-street, be paved at the expence
of the owners or occupants of the res-
pective lots adjoining the said pave-
ments with flat stones or brick, in width
comformable to the pavements already
completed in the said street, and with a
gutter adjoining the said pavement, pav-
ed with round stones.
   And be it further ordained, That
Prosper Hosmer, Daniel Newbury, Ste-
phen Coffin, Gayer Gardner and Heze-
kiah Dayton be, and they are hereby ap-
pointed, a committee to make an assess-
ment and estimate of the expence, of
conforming to this Ordinance on the
owners or occupants of the respective
lots intented to be benefited thereby, a-
greeably to law, and that they make a 
return of such estimate to the Common 
Council of said city.
     And be it further Ordained, That
Hazekiah L. Hosmer and  Paul Dakin be,
and they are heeby appointed and au-
thorised to demand and receive the a-
mount of such estimate and assessment,
in money, stone, brick, or labour, for
making the said pavement, from the re-
spective owners or occupants of said
lots, and that they shall credit the per-
son or persons who may provide, deliv-
er and execute the same, at the usual
and customary prices of such materials
or labour.
     And be it further Ordained, That 
the said cmmittee be, and they are
hereby authorised and empowered to
direct and cause such pavement to be
done and completed by the first day of
October next.
        C. GELSTON, Clerk.”

Bee (Advertisement), page 4, 24 August 1810:
“Sales by Mortgage.
WHEREAS Seth Jones, of the city of Hud-
son in the county of Columbia, for the
securing the payment of six hundred dollars,
with the interest, mortgaged unto the subscri-
bers, that lot of land situated on the north side
of Diamond-strget, between Front and Water-
streets, being the third lot from Water-street,
bounded as follows: by lot number three on 
the east, lot number thirteen on the west, and by 
lot number twenty-six on the north, said lot
being forty feet in front on Diamond-street, and
extending  fifty-five feet in rear, and holding its
full width of forty feet from front to rear.  Also
the dwelling-houses and out-houses situated
thereon.  And whereas default has been made
in the payment of the sum therein secured--No-
tice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power con-
tained in the said mortgage, and in pursuance of
the statutes in such case made and provided, the
above mortgaged premises will be sold at pub-
lic auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, on
the twenty-sixth day of February next, at ten
o’clock in the forenoon, at Nichols & Bement’s
hotel in this city.  Dated at Hudson, the 17th
of August, 1810.
         SETH JENKINS,
         PAUL DAKIN
Note:  this ad was found in other editions of the paper.

Columbian (Matrimony Notice), page 3, 13 November 1810:
   At Hudson, on Thursday evening last, by the
rev. Mr. Chester GORHAM A. WORTH, esq.
cashier of the Bank of Hudson, to Miss LYDIA
DAKIN, daughter of Paul Dakin, esq all of that

Northern Whig (Matrimony Notice), page 3, 16 November 1810:
   On Thursday evening lthe 8th instant, by the
Rev. Mr. Chester, GORHAM A. WORTH, Esq.
Cashier of the Bank of Hudson, to Miss LYDIA
DAKIN, daughter of Mr. Paul Dakin, all of this city.”
Bee, 22 March 1811 (news article), page 3:
At an adjourned meeting of the Republican
Citizen of Hudson, held at Messrs. Nichols
and Bement’s Hotel on Wednesday evening
20th of March, 1811, for the purpose of adopting
measures preparatory to the approaching elec-
tion for Charter officers, it was
   Resolved unanimously,That we wll use every
just and honorable means to promote the election
of the following Ticket, viz.
   Nathan Sears, Supervisor.
   Abiel Cheney,
   Henry Burchsted,
   Paul Dakin,               Aldermen.
   James Van Deusen,

Bee, 5 April 1811 (News Article), page 3:
FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1811.
   We congratulate the republicans of
this city on the splended victory they a-
chieved at the Charter Election on Tues-
day last.  It was a triumph of principle
over a desparate and discouraging fac-
tion.  We have the more cause to re-
joice, when the circumstances which
produced a contest and considered ---
The republicans, notwithstanding their
having succeedd at the preceding char-
ter election, and having a clear majority
of votes, proffered to the federalists an
equal participation in the city offices.
But, NO, said their new and very mo-
dest leader, who has scarcely obtained a
residence, GIVE US THE WHOLE -- I AM
---which was no sooner said than adopt-
ed.  The following canvas will convince
them that they were too sanguine of their
imaginary strength, and that they pla-
ced too much reliance on the prowess of
a young shoot from the monarchical
stock.  And may it prove to them a 
warning beacon to avoid the counsel of
factious malcontents, and not indignant-
ly spurn at a proffer to unite in advan-
cing their own interests in proportion as
the city was made to prosper and flourish.
Of the Votes taken for Charter-Officers in the
   city  of Hudson, April 2, 1811.
   Repubican Ticket.          Federal Ticket.
[Paul Dakin, with 364 votes had the most votes for Alderman.  For all the bluster in the editorial precedingt the vote totals, the difference between the winners and losers was not overwhelming.  The Republican Alderman winners votes ranged from 364 - 353, the losing Federalists 348 - 339.]
    By the above canvas it will be seen
that the republican ticket has succeeded
by greatly increased majorities, with the
exception of one alderman (by a majori-
ty of two only) one assessor, the collec-
tor and two constables.
    It may not be improper to observe
that the republican candidate for collec-
tor lost his election from the private
pique of a few of his political friend,
who withheld from him their suffrages.
Without wihing to arraign their mo-
tives, they will bear in mind that they
have placed the collectorship in the hands
of a federalist.  Two votes only were
wanting to have elected a second repub-
lican constable, and the third placed the
office in the hands of  his opponent by
an act of courtesy.  But in general
result we are satisfied.  It is truly a
proud victory.  Of twenty-six officers,
the federalists can claim but five.
    Federal advice.--”Bet sparingly--
the election is ours -- HUZZA!”
Northern Whig, 30 March 1812 (Advertisement), page 3:
publishing the bills paid by the city of Hudson NY:
“Corporation Accounts.
Corporation of Hudson in account with
the Chamberlain,     DR.
March 20. To paid Paul Dakin as Com-
missioner of Roads        $5 00”

Bee (Advertisement), page 3, 7 April 1812:
Nathan Sears, Supervisor
Paul Dakin,
Daniel Clark,           Alderman
Reuben Moores,
James Van Deusen
Bee (Advertisement), page 3, 14 July 1812:
“Strayed of Stolen
From the Commons in this city, about the
last of June, a forrel or chestnut-colored
six  years old this spring, about 14 hands high,
has a star in his forhead and a small bunch on one
of is hind feet occasioned by a cork--is a na-
tural trotter, and when missing wa shod all
round.  Whoever will take up said horse and
give the subscriber information where he can be
had, shall be reasonably rewarded.
            PAUL DAKIN.
  Hudson, July 13, 1812.     3w2”

Northern Whig (Advertisement), 30 March 1813, page 3:
  COMPACT PART .........  DR.
 April 6  To P. Dakin for iron work 
                 on resorvoir                       3   87 
 Oct. 5 To J. Toby for resorvoir            2  62
        10 ...
             To P Dakin for iron work           4  83
March 28.  To paid M. Holenbeck for
                      labour on roads               $12  12
April 6.      ...
                  To Paul Dakin   do do               5   00
Dec. 26.  To Paul Dakins bill                       2 50
                To J. Hardick for stone              5 00

Northern Whig (Advertisement), 23 December 1817, page 3:
We the subscriber and our associates
of the County of Columbia gve no-
tice that we intend to apply to the honorable
Legislature of the state of New York at the 
next setting for an incorporated Bank,with
a Captial of Two Hundred Thousand Dol-
lars to be called the Farmers and Mechanics
Bank, of the city of Hudson.
Hudson, Dec. 23, 1817
[61 names listed]
... Paul Dakin 

Northern Whig, 7 April 1818, page 3 (News story):
  “At a numerous and respectable meeting of
Framers and Mechanics of the city and corpora-
tion of Hudson, without distinction of party, con
vened at Patterson’s Farmers’ Coffee House, on 
Saturday evening, 4th April 1818, Paul Dakin
was called to the chair and James Mellen ap-
pointed Secretary.  The following resolutions
were unanimously adopted.
  Resolved.   That this meeting highly approve
of the nomination of FARMERS and MECHAN-
ICS for our candidates to represent the county
of Columbia in our next Legislature.
   Resolved.  That this meeting earnestly in-
vite the different towns in this county to send
delagates composed of both political parties to
meet in County Convention, to be held at Peter
Mesick’s, in the town of Clarerack, on Thursday
16th April instant, to nominate such representa-
   Resolved, The following gentlemen compose
such delegation to represent the city and corpo-
ration of Hudson, in said convention:
 Nicholas Ten Broeck,    Henry Ploss,
 Josiah Benton,             Derick Van Deusen,
 Rufus Reed,                  Michael Delamater,
 Paul Dakin,                   William Wood,
 David West,                  John Tompkins,
 William I Gordon,          Henry Dibblee,
 Charles Everts,
   Resolved, That this meeting stand adjourned
to Saturday evening , 18th April instant, at this
house, to hear the report of their Delegation.
   Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet-
ing be signed, by the Chairman and Secretary,
and published in both papers in this city.
           PAUL DAKIN, Chariman,
JAMES MELLEN, Secretary.”

Northern Whig, 7 April 1818, page 2 (Legislative):
“Voice of the People!
   It must be consoling to every true democrat--it must
rejoice every true republican--it must be satisfactory
to every friend of popular rights, to see the stand taken
by the people on the subject of the electoral law, which
has been rejected by the senate of this state.  It shows 
that though freemen may be deceived by their agents, 
yet they do not forget their rights.  It shows that there
is a redeeming spirit in the democracy of the land that
will cause tyrants to tremble, though they may for a 
time lord it with impunity; and in the end it will show
that the voice of the people is omnipotent.
   Let every friend to this country--let every republican
--let every man who regards the welfare of his poste-
rity read the proceedings of the meeting given below,
and ask himself whether the stand taken by the repub-
licans of Columbia is not calculated to preserve and
perpetuate the blessings of liberty throughout the land.
This meeting; headed by one of the most venerable and
respectable republicans of the state, recognizes the 
correct prinicple that all power may most stafely be 
vested in  the hands of the people, who act without ul-
terior motives, and without a view to immediate gain.
     What now will the Argus say?  Will that vituperative
journal, the mere “organ” of the leader of a faction in 
this state, dare to say that the prominent men who com-
posed this meeting are federalists or disaffected repub-
licans?  No! with all its hardihood, even that prostitu-
ted vehicle will not have the impudence to assert such
a falsehood.
[a long description of the meeting followed/flowed out of the editorial and at the end committees are appointed.  Paul Dakin is appointed to a committee of 14 to “correspond with our republican brethren in the county”]

American, 4 July 1820, page 2 (News Article):
                   “HUDSON, July 4, 1820.
   The 44th Anniversary of the Declaration of
our Independence was celebrated by the Re-
publicans of this city, in a manner manifesting
at once their patriotism, their love and respect
for the general government, and their detesta-
tion of the admnistration of unchastened ambi-
tion.  The day was ushered in with the usual
crmonies of firing cannon, ringing bells, &c.
At 12 o’clock, a large and respectable party of
Republicans, for various parts of the county,
assembled at Stocking’s Hotel---at 10 O’clock
the Declaration of Independence was read, and
at 2, the party set down to their dinner.  The
assemblage was numerous; much more so than
was anticipated; every seat was filled; every
man was at his post.  The spirit that actuated 
our republican friends on this occasion, was in-
deed honourable, and proclaimed as well their
devotion to their county, as their firm opposi-
tion to the Federalists, and apostate Republi-
cans, and their determination to show forth that
opposition, whenever occasion should require.
The proceedings of the day, however, were
marked with the utmost harmony and liberality
of spirit; and the party broke up at an early
hour in good order and decorum.
  At the table, the hon. John I. Miller officiat-
ed as President, and Frederick Jenkins, Esq. of
Hudson, and Tobias S. Hogeboom, Esq. of
Ghent, as 1st and 2d Vice-Presidents; and the
following toasts were drunk, accompanied with
guns, cheers, ad patriotic songs:
   1. The day we celebrate --Conscrated to Li-
berty; may its anniversay continue equally
glorious and perpetual.
   2. The President of the United States---While
partriotism holds its sway, and talents receive
their reward, sectional distrinctions will meet the
support of folly and ambition only.
   3. The Vice-President of the U. S.---The Re-
publicans of this state know how to estimate his
services; the United States will reward them.
   4. The constitutes authorities of the state of N.
York--May their future conduct be directed to
the welfare of the Republic, and not to personal
   5. The Federal Union---May the advocate for
its dismemberment meet the contempt he de-
   6. The memory of George Washington---A
mirro that reflects the glorious image of na-
ture’s master piece. --Drunk standing.
   7.  The memory of the Heroes who fell in our
struggles for Independence--Mortality was the
condition of their birth; immortality the conse-
quence of their death. --Drank standing.
   8. Thomas Jefferson--As long as his declara-
tion of our rights shall be read, and his history
of our grievances be recited, he will not be forgot-
   9. The late Presidents of the United States--
The righteous will live out the full measure of
their days, and depart regretted by all who know
how to estimate their worth.
   10. Our Army and Navy--Alike emulous of
the glory of their country.
   11. The Militia of the State--May they al-
ways be found ready to defend the rights of their
   12.  Agriculture, Manufactures, and Com-
merce--our true policy is to cherish and protect
   13. Our new States--We hail them with plea-
sure as members of the Commonwealth of Ame-
   By the President--The proscribed Republi-
cans of the state of New-York; the best evi-
dence of their patriotism and integrity.
   By the 1st Vice-President- The forty se[?]
ders of the Federal party, who would not be sold
by bank speculators.
   By the 2d Vice-President--Public reproba-
tion awaits the aspirer who corrupts a state in
order to govern it, meanly aping the voice of 
conscious rectitude.
   By Dr. M. Younglove--The hand of equal
fellowship to all honest supporters of our rights
and liberties, however denominated; distis-
guishing the deceivers from the deceived, among
our opponents.
   By Paul Dakin, Esq.--A speedy end to
Popish cruelty, British tyranny, and Clintonian
   By James Richmond, Esq.--The commence-
ment of the Great Canal; zealously advocated
in the Senate of 1817, by a distinguished Repu-
blican native of this county; may the sons of
Columbia remember with high and worthy sen-
timents his numerous and honourable services in
our State Legislature.
   By O. Wiswall, Esq.--The Republican ma-
jority of the Legislature elect; their price is far
above the Bank of America bonus.
   By David  West, Esq.--Bank speculators and
political Judges; fit supporters of a corrupt ex-
   By Joseph Bowers, Esq.--Daniel D. Tomp-
kins and defence; Dewitt Clinton and Hart-
ford Convention.
   By Col. Darling--The 16th Congress, cele-
brated for long speeches, a long session, and lit-
tle business.
   By R. A. Barnard, Esq.--Gov. Clinton’s
Republicanism; its object, the annihilation of
the Republican party; its consequency, no po-
litical character.
   By J. W. Edmonds, Esq.--Coalition:
      Black spirits and white,
      Blue spirits and grey, 
      Mingle, mingle, mingle,
      All that mingle may.
   By G. H. Strong, Esq.--Gov. Clinton’s toast
of Federalism;  “they had rather rule in Hell
than serve in Heaven;” and are now accom-
   By Mr. John Heath--Gov. Clinton, and
109th Psalm, 8th verse; “Let his days be few,
and let another take his office.”
© Erica Dakin Voolich
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